Harddog's Requisites

Low Profile Trainer™ Bite Suit

For the athletic decoy who wants to “feel” the grip.

This light-weight police training suit is designed for the slim or athletic decoy who requires a more tailored fit. The jacket has ample chest, shoulder and back with a closely-fitted waist. The arms, shoulders and waist give a contoured, lower profile.

Low Profile Trainer
Low Profile Trainer

This suit minimizes slipping the bite and gives more “feel” to the decoy. The Low-Profile TrainerT has less material and weight, allowing the athletic decoy to move freely. This suit provides a balance between protection and flexibility.

Low Profile Trainer
Low Profile Trainer
  • This suit minimizes slipping the bite and gives more “feel” to the decoy.
  • The contoured shape leaves less material for the dog to bite — the dog must compress to the decoy.
  • Provides a realistic grip for the dog that requires more compression and a full, open-mouth bite.
  • Provides a balance of protection and flexibilty.
  • Additional reinforcement for tricep and lat bites.
    Low Profile Trainer
    Low Profile Trainer
    Low Profile Trainer
    Low Profile Trainer


    Low Profile Trainer
    Low Profile Trainer


    Low Profile Trainer
    Low Profile Trainer